
A: There are no particular requirements in regard to applicants’ educational backgrounds. However, there is a minimum age requirement for specified skilled workers – they must be over 18 years of age

A: Changing workplaces in the same job category (Type of work) can be permitted. Changing to a job in different job category in the same field can also be permitted if the skill level is recognized as similar to the current level through exams. Changing jobs to a different industrial field is also possible, if the similarity of the skill level is recognized between those job categories through exams.

A: Specified skilled workers and their family members are prohibited from paying a guarantee deposit to work under the status of residence “Specified Skilled Worker”. Meanwhile, brokers and other parties are also prohibited from stipulating monetary penalties in contracts with specified skilled workers and their family members. Please never agree to a contract that stipulates the payment of guarantee deposits or monetary penalties.